St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (JIM)

St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (JIM)

Jesuit (Society of Jesus)

Welcome to JIM

Jesuits are the members of a religious order `Society of Jesus’, headquarted in Rome, founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, committed in evangelization and various apostolic ministries such as education, medicines and cultural recreational activities in 112 countries. They feel spiritually strengthened by the vows of poverty, obedience and chastity to colloquially refer themselves as “God’s Soldiers”. It proves their readiness to accept the orders of the time anywhere to endure any conditions. Francis Xavier, one of the original companions of Saint Ignatius reached Goa to establish Jesuit’s evangelical services in India and the seeds sprouted promisingly to yield its hundred folds in later years. The establishments are rapid so as their services and their ministries are forked on the following principles:

  • To walk with the poor, the outcasts of the world, those whose dignity has been violated in a mission of reconciliation and justice.
  • To accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future.
  • To collaborate in the care of our common home.

Jesuits are well known for their educational work. They have been teachers since the inception of the order. "ELOQUENTIA PERFECTA" is the prime value being promoted in every Jesuit educational institution and this value is a Jesuit tradition that aims on nurturing a person as a whole, as one learns to speak and write for the common good.

To achieve these Goals
For Jesuits
  • Awareness and commitment to the vision.
  • Involvement in neighbourhood ministry.
  • Keep abreast of the changes on Higher Education.
  • Commitment to higher education as a mission.

For Faculty and Staff
  • Training the Faculty and Staff to understand and accept the Jesuit vision and option
  • Motivation to commit themselves to work for the poor
  • Training in special skills related to integral formation
  • Inclusion in planning and execution
  • Encouragement in relevant research
  • Provision for updating/ongoing formation

For Students
  • Courses on Personality Development
  • Courses on leadership
  • Courses on Human Rights
  • Involvement in outreach neighbourhood programme
  • Participation at various human rights issues
  • Training in critical thinking
  • Creating environmental awareness
  • Training in civics and duties of a citizen
  • Training in multi-religious tolerance
  • Training to work as a team

Founder of the Society of Jesus
St.Ignatius of Loyola

Born at Loyola in Guipuzcoa

Decided to Follow Jesus Christ

Ordained in Venice

Moved To Rome

Founded the Society of Jesus

Elected the General of Jesuits

Died in Rome

Canonized by Pope Gregory XV
